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The Lastest News Articles

Written by: Economist & Author: Harry Notaras

Consumer Price Inflation, Asset Inflation and Debt article feature image of a housing development
General News

Price and Asset Inflation and Debt

Consumer Price Inflation, Asset Inflation and Debt Price and Asset Inflation and Debt Price and Asset Inflation and Debt. Inflation has been an important topic among economists, for some time, since COVID-19 and the war in Ukraine conspired to force

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The Care Economy article feature image of elderly couple holding hands

The Care Economy

The Care Economy But nobody cares. This might be the dilemma we face because of the ageing population that the intergenerational report (IGR) talks about. In its fact sheet the IGR talks about how the ageing population will reinforce the

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Australian Labour Market in 2023 feature image reults graph
Labour Market

The Australian Labour Market in 2023

Australian Labour Market I was listening to the radio where an economist, Stephen Wu, employed by the CBA, was being interviewed on Radio National about an indicator he has developed to help assess the state of the Australian labour market.

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Deflation or Stagflation article feature image of Chinese Flag
Fiscal Policy

Deflation or Stagflation

Deflation or Stagflation If I had to choose between these two evils, it would probably be stagflation, but it would be a close-run thing. It looks like the reserve bank may eventually be in the invidious position of one day

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The energy transition article feature image of power generation
General News

The Energy Transition

The Energy Transition – The State of Play The energy transition is a term that describes the path away from using fossil fuels such as oil, coal and gas to produce energy. Energy is required to run our transport, industrial,

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Clipping the Ticket article feature image - image of an antique rail ticket
Financial Planning

Clipping the Ticket

Clipping the Ticket in Superannuation Do this exercise. Use a simple calculator or the calculator app on your computer and type the following numbers in this order: 100000 x 1.07 Now type the ‘=’ key 25 times. You will arrive

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A Soft Landing, read my latest article feature image
Monetary Policy

A Soft Landing is Now Off the Table

A Soft Landing is Now Off the Table in 2023 A soft landing is now off the table for the Australian economy. The recent national accounts showed that GDP increased by only .2% in the first quarter of this calendar

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The Debt Ceiling Wall Street building image

The Debt Ceiling

The Debt Ceiling Drama The debt ceiling is exercising the minds of anyone who has an interest in the continued functioning of a key plank of the financial system. It relates to part of the system that underpins our capitalist

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Budget 2023 Based on Luck Article feature image
Fiscal Policy

The Budget 2023 Based on Luck

Budget 2023 We have had a budget bought down that forecasts a surplus. It is a budget for a lucky country with rivers of royalty gold pouring into the coffers of the Federal Government care of a commodities boom that

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Monetary Policy

The Reserve Bank of Australia set up to fail

A relatively modern discovery of the branch of economics called macroeconomics is the empirical relationship between the rate of inflation and the rate of unemployment. The relationship, which was discovered in 1958 by UK economist A.W. Phillips, shows an inverse

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