Leverage Plain and Simple

Leverage Plain and Simple Feature Image Image $100 notes

Leverage Plain and Simple – The Path to Riches or Ruin When you stretch the time horizon long enough, you find things are less about winning or losing and more about playing or quitting. And leverage. Boiling this down to what this means in the world of business and investment, it means that the trick […]

Clipping the Ticket

Clipping the Ticket article feature image - image of an antique rail ticket

Clipping the Ticket in Superannuation Do this exercise. Use a simple calculator or the calculator app on your computer and type the following numbers in this order: 100000 x 1.07 Now type the ‘=’ key 25 times. You will arrive at the number 542743.26. Repeat this exercise and replace 1.07 with 1.08. The number you […]